Life Insurance:
Life Insurance For Retirement

Should You Purchase Life Insurance For Retirement?
Is your family dependant on your income? You should probably look into purchasing life insurance for retirement. You want to enjoy your retirement while still leaving a legacy for your loved ones. And you can do both of these things with a single product. This, as well as a variety of other benefits, are possible with the correct type of life insurance.
There are numerous types of life insurance. Which style is most suited to your individual situation? We can discuss the optimum type of life insurance for you, as well as other crucial areas of retirement planning. We would suggest an indexed universal life (IUL) insurance policy.
Benefits of Life Insurance For Retirement
Using life insurance for retirement comes with a number of benefits. Firstly, let’s discuss the features of these products that will help you during your retirement:
- The cash value of your insurance policy will remain protected, even in the event of a market downturn
- With an IUL, cash value growth is based on the performance of a market index
- The option to "lock in" what you accumulate
- Tax-free* growth, and tax-free* access to your principal & interest
- There are no fees or fines for accessing your cash value before the age of 59 1/2
Benefits offered to your beneficiaries after you are gone, meanwhile, include:
- Immediate death benefit, avoiding probate court
- The death benefit is tax-free*
- It can be received as a string of payments, or as one lump-sum
- Furthermore, the death benefit can be much greater than the premium paid
- Additionally, it can increase over time
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